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Bonitatem, News

International appeal to the United Nations

Today, NGO Bonitatem and the international charity fund VIA CONCORDIA addressed the UN in an official letter.

Information about the situation in Ukraine shows that the world is becoming unsafe for a person, an innocent baby or the old..

Standing against boldly and shamelessly openly asserting denationalization theory (which apparently should be understood as the theory of cynical genocide) and actions according this theory – the world feels powerless. Military actions are directed against civilians, infrastructure objects, the
aggressor as ambitious goals of unprovoked aggression seeks the mass destruction of the Ukrainian nation by hunger, cold, lack of medical
aid, suffocation under the ruins.

Nature is experiencing an unprecedented negative impact, as nuclear power plants become targets of the aggressor, and the consequences are unpredictable. The cynical view that catastrophes are intended is constantly being declared. The Ukrainian nation is being killed today, and what
nation will suffer after it?

It is time to consolidate the nations and provide means to effectively prevent the cynical development of theory, the hunting of nations, and raise the danger to the planet.

If the norms of existing international law, as they were once written, are no longer sufficient for this, they should now be supplemented.

Can a person feel safe when all the forces fighting for peace show their impotence against the aggressor? This is not the time to look for the
nuances of international law, guided by which one sits together with the aggressor and listens to arguments about the right to kill, observes revenge
on civilians for failures on the battlefield, It is time to say no and take effective decisions for world peace.