Let’s help the soldiers who are currently heroically defending the independence and freedom of Ukraine and its citizens!!!
€9 of €75.000 raised

Let’s help the soldiers who are currently heroically defending the independence and freedom of Ukraine and its citizens!!!

A donation drive for Ukrainian soldiers who are serving in the front in Bakhmut, Kherson, and Donetsk. The men are currently heroically protecting the independence and freedom of Ukraine and its citizens, but they genuinely need our assistance. The three Ukrainian army groups that have reached out to us are requesting an SUV, warm clothing, medication, and other supplies. And all of this is vitally needed since technology can not only make life in the trenches and the accomplishment of official responsibilities easier, but also save lives. In order to help Ukrainian soldiers who are fighting in the trenches throughout the winter, Bonitatem is asking for donations to get SUV ,charging stations, thermal imaging scopes, lighting and communication equipment, medicines, and first aid items. WHAT YOU GET  Three of you will receive an iPhone 14 Pro. A magical new way to interact with iPhone. Groundbreaking safety features designed to save lives. An innovative 48MP camera for mind-blowing detail. All powered by the ultimate smartphone chip. WHEN YOU GET Event starting: January 30, 2023 Event ending: February 28, 2023

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Let’s help the soldiers who are currently heroically defending the independence and freedom of Ukraine and its citizens!!!

€9 of €75.000 raised

A donation drive for Ukrainian soldiers who are serving in the front in Bakhmut, Kherson, and Donetsk. The men are currently heroically protecting the independence and freedom of Ukraine and its citizens, but they genuinely need our assistance. The three Ukrainian army groups that have reached out to us are requesting an SUV, warm clothing, medication, and other supplies. And all of this is vitally needed since technology can not only make life in the trenches and the accomplishment of official responsibilities easier, but also save lives. In order to help Ukrainian soldiers who are fighting in the trenches throughout the winter, Bonitatem is asking for donations to get SUV ,charging stations, thermal imaging scopes, lighting and communication equipment, medicines, and first aid items.


Three of you will receive an iPhone 14 Pro.

A magical new way to interact with iPhone. Groundbreaking safety features designed to save lives. An innovative 48MP camera for mind-blowing detail. All powered by the ultimate smartphone chip.

iphone14pro digitalmatbonitatem iphone14pro bonitatem iphone14pro bonitatemm


Event starting: January 30, 2023

Event ending: February 28, 2023

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Donation Total: €25,00

Let's protect the skies of Kiev
€35.725 of €150 million raised

Let’s protect the skies of Kiev

Every day millions of Ukrainians wake up to explosions. Russia is a terrorist country that destroys the Ukrainian nation every day, shelling homes , maternity hospitals, destroying infrastructure and taking lives! Today one of the main tasks is to help the courageous Ukrainian people in this fight against evil! Bonitatem is the first charitable project that gives gifts of kindness for donations. By joining this fundraiser, you are helping to purchase the IRIS-T SLM/SLS air defense system for Kiev, which can save more than one life. Bonitatem is announcing a worldwide fundraiser of 150 million euros, which anyone can join. We will purchase the IRIS-T SLM/SLS air defense system in Germany; all necessary agreements have already been signed and the necessary steps have already been taken. Everyone can help with any amount they can, and together we can help the Ukrainian people in the fight against terrorism. Every 5 euros is a chance to get a gift, more donations - more chances. Everything is simple and transparent. The presentation of valuable gifts of kindness, from iPhones to Ferrari, will take place at every stage of the fundraising. The main gift, a two-bedroom apartment in Spain, will find its owner when the fundraiser closes. Note that anyone who makes a donation of 5 euros to Ukraine can get a gift of kindness. Today the entire civilized world must join the Ukrainian people in their struggle against this war, do not stand on the sidelines! Допоможи захистити небо над Києвом! Щодня мільйони українців прокидаються від вибухів. росія – країна-терорист, яка щодня губить українську націю, обстрілює житлові та пологові будинки, нищить інфраструктуру та забирає життя! Сьогодні одна з головних задач – допомогти мужньому українському народу у цій боротьбі зі злом! Вonitatem – перший благодійний проект, який дарує подарунки за пожертви. Приєднавшись до цього збору коштів, ви допомагаєте придбати систему ППО IRIS-T SLM/SLS для Києва, яка може врятувати не одне життя. Вonitatem оголошує збір у всьому світі в розмірі 150 млн. євро, до якого може долучитися кожен. Всі необхідні угоди уже підписано і потрібні кроки уже зроблено. Допомогти може кожен будь-якою посильною сумою, а всі разом ми зможемо допомогти українському народу у боротьбі з тероризмом. Кожні 5 євро – це шанс отримати подарунок, більше пожертв – більше шансів. Все просто і прозоро. Вручення цінних подарунків, від iPhone до Ferrari, буде відбуватися на кожному з етапів збору коштів. Головний подарунок – двокімнатна квартира в Іспанії, знайде свого власника, коли збір буде закрито. Зауважте, що подарунок може отримати будь-хто, хто зробить переказ від 5 євро на допомогу Україні. Сьогодні увесь цивілізований світ має долучитися до боротьби українського народу у цій війні, не стій осторонь! WHAT YOU GET Gifts of goodness await you! Every 5 euros is a chance to get a gift, more donations - more chances. Everything is simple and transparent. The presentation of valuable gifts of kindness, from iPhones to Ferrari, will take place at every stage of the fundraising. The main gift, a one-bedroom apartment in Spain, will find its owner when the fundraiser closes. Note that anyone who makes a donation of 5 euros to Ukraine can get a gift of kindness. Today the entire civilized world must join the Ukrainian people in their struggle against this war, do not stand on the sidelines!

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Let’s protect the skies of Kiev

€35.725 of €150 million raised
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This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.

Donation Total: €10,00

Every day millions of Ukrainians wake up to explosions. Russia is a terrorist country that destroys the Ukrainian nation every day, shelling homes , maternity hospitals, destroying infrastructure and taking lives!
Today one of the main tasks is to help the courageous Ukrainian people in this fight against evil!

Bonitatem is the first charitable project that gives gifts of kindness for donations. By joining this fundraiser, you are helping to purchase the IRIS-T SLM/SLS air defense system for Kiev, which can save more than one life.
Bonitatem is announcing a worldwide fundraiser of 150 million euros, which anyone can join. We will purchase the IRIS-T SLM/SLS air defense system in Germany; all necessary agreements have already been signed and the necessary steps have already been taken.
Everyone can help with any amount they can, and together we can help the Ukrainian people in the fight against terrorism.
Every 5 euros is a chance to get a gift, more donations – more chances. Everything is simple and transparent.
The presentation of valuable gifts of kindness, from iPhones to Ferrari, will take place at every stage of the fundraising. The main gift, a two-bedroom apartment in Spain, will find its owner when the fundraiser closes.
Note that anyone who makes a donation of 5 euros to Ukraine can get a gift of kindness. Today the entire civilized world must join the Ukrainian people in their struggle against this war, do not stand on the sidelines!

Допоможи захистити небо над Києвом!

Щодня мільйони українців прокидаються від вибухів. росія – країна-терорист, яка щодня губить українську націю, обстрілює житлові та пологові будинки, нищить інфраструктуру та забирає життя! Сьогодні одна з головних задач – допомогти мужньому українському народу у цій боротьбі зі злом! Вonitatem – перший благодійний проект, який дарує подарунки за пожертви. Приєднавшись до цього збору коштів, ви допомагаєте придбати систему ППО IRIS-T SLM/SLS для Києва, яка може врятувати не одне життя. Вonitatem оголошує збір у всьому світі в розмірі 150 млн. євро, до якого може долучитися кожен. Всі необхідні угоди уже підписано і потрібні кроки уже зроблено. Допомогти може кожен будь-якою посильною сумою, а всі разом ми зможемо допомогти українському народу у боротьбі з тероризмом. Кожні 5 євро – це шанс отримати подарунок, більше пожертв – більше шансів. Все просто і прозоро. Вручення цінних подарунків, від iPhone до Ferrari, буде відбуватися на кожному з етапів збору коштів. Головний подарунок – двокімнатна квартира в Іспанії, знайде свого власника, коли збір буде закрито. Зауважте, що подарунок може отримати будь-хто, хто зробить переказ від 5 євро на допомогу Україні. Сьогодні увесь цивілізований світ має долучитися до боротьби українського народу у цій війні, не стій осторонь!

Air Defence System IRIS-T SLM/SLS


Gifts of goodness await you!

Let's protect the skies of Kiev

Every 5 euros is a chance to get a gift, more donations – more chances. Everything is simple and transparent.
The presentation of valuable gifts of kindness, from iPhones to Ferrari, will take place at every stage of the fundraising. The main gift, a one-bedroom apartment in Spain, will find its owner when the fundraiser closes.
Note that anyone who makes a donation of 5 euros to Ukraine can get a gift of kindness. Today the entire civilized world must join the Ukrainian people in their struggle against this war, do not stand on the sidelines!

Donate NOW

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This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.

Donation Total: €100,00

Vespa CD Bonitatem
€0 of €285.000 raised

School in Ukraine needs help – Sumy region

Our school has always been modern and strived to give students every opportunity, and the atmosphere has always been friendly and cheerful, with both staff and students happy and friendly. The first difficulties, as in the rest of the world, started with the global epidemic of COVID-19 and, as if that were not enough, our country was attacked by Russia for reasons only it could understand. Our children are our future, without their education the nation has no future, and it is only a matter of time before the Ukrainian nation loses its existence. If we do not turn to the world's great powers, to people of good heart, to wherever we can. We sincerely wish that such disasters do not come to a foreign home like Ukraine. Children are the future of the world. Neither the city nor the parents of the children can help us at the moment, because they need help themselves. That is why we are asking for your help to help us, to take care of our future, to take care of our future. There is currently a war going on in Ukraine, and the school has neither the means nor the resources to provide a proper education for the pupils without the funds that we are asking for, starting with the preparation for the start of school, and ending with the essentials needed not only for the education of the pupils, but also for their survival in these difficult moments of war. As time passes and the situation remains unchanged, we turn to this friendly organization, Bonitatem, in the hope that it will spread the message to the world and help us to take care of our future. Don't pass by, help those who need it most now - our children.        Recipient - BONITATEM, NGO Account no - LT813500010013262161 Bank - PAYSERA LT, UAB Bank code - 35000 SWIFT code - EVIULT2VXXX The goal - SUMY REGION   WHAT YOU GET BIRTH OF A NEW ICON, AN ODE TO JOIE DE VIVRE. DIOR JOINS FORCES WITH VESPA TO CREATE AN EXCLUSIVE SCOOTER AND A RANGE OF MATCHING ACCESSORIES, CELEBRATING THE SUNNY-SPIRIT AND ART OF LIVING OF THE TWO HOUSES. Founded in the same year, in 1946, the Italian brand and the Parisian couture house are linked by an unwavering desire to inspire a new, bright and creative vision of the world. Today, more than ever, the Dior and Vespa collaboration reinvents this spirit of freedom, movement and expression that drives them. Odyssey(s), style, dreams and Dolce Vita. Out of this passionate dialogue, the Vespa 946 Christian Dior scooter comes to life, its monohull architecture and subtle graphic lines paying tribute to the heritage of the two houses. A symbol of refinement, this object of desire reflects their shared commitment to the excellence of savoir-faire and virtuoso art of detail. Echoing the design of the saddle, a top case patterned with the Dior Oblique motif – designed by Marc Bohan in 1967 – is specially designed to be fixed on the luggage rack, adding a distinctive allure. A helmet adorned with the same iconic motif rounds out the unique range.

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School in Ukraine needs help – Sumy region

€0 of €285.000 raised
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This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.

Donation Total: €25,00

Our school has always been modern and strived to give students every opportunity, and the atmosphere has always been friendly and cheerful, with both staff and students happy and friendly.

The first difficulties, as in the rest of the world, started with the global epidemic of COVID-19 and, as if that were not enough, our country was attacked by Russia for reasons only it could understand. Our children are our future, without their education the nation has no future, and it is only a matter of time before the Ukrainian nation loses its existence. If we do not turn to the world’s great powers, to people of good heart, to wherever we can.

We sincerely wish that such disasters do not come to a foreign home like Ukraine. Children are the future of the world. Neither the city nor the parents of the children can help us at the moment, because they need help themselves. That is why we are asking for your help to help us, to take care of our future, to take care of our future. There is currently a war going on in Ukraine, and the school has neither the means nor the resources to provide a proper education for the pupils without the funds that we are asking for, starting with the preparation for the start of school, and ending with the essentials needed not only for the education of the pupils, but also for their survival in these difficult moments of war.

As time passes and the situation remains unchanged, we turn to this friendly organization, Bonitatem, in the hope that it will spread the message to the world and help us to take care of our future.

Don’t pass by, help those who need it most now – our children.


Sumy UA 1 Sumy UA 3Sumy UA 5Sumy UA 4 Sumy UA 6 Sumy UA 7 Sumy UA 9Sumy UA 10Sumy UA 12Sumy UA 8Sumy UA 11Sumy UA 2

Recipient – BONITATEM, NGO

Account no – LT813500010013262161


Bank code – 35000


The goal – SUMY REGION



Founded in the same year, in 1946, the Italian brand and the Parisian couture house are linked by an unwavering desire to inspire a new, bright and creative vision of the world. Today, more than ever, the Dior and Vespa collaboration reinvents this spirit of freedom, movement and expression that drives them. Odyssey(s), style, dreams and Dolce Vita.

Donate and Get Vespa 946 Christian Dior

Out of this passionate dialogue, the Vespa 946 Christian Dior scooter comes to life, its monohull architecture and subtle graphic lines paying tribute to the heritage of the two houses. A symbol of refinement, this object of desire reflects their shared commitment to the excellence of savoir-faire and virtuoso art of detail.

Donate and Get Vespa 946 Christian Dior

Echoing the design of the saddle, a top case patterned with the Dior Oblique motif – designed by Marc Bohan in 1967 – is specially designed to be fixed on the luggage rack, adding a distinctive allure. A helmet adorned with the same iconic motif rounds out the unique range.

Donate and Get Vespa 946 Christian Dior

Dior Vespa Bonitatem

Bora Bora Bonitatem
€0 of €250.000 raised

Psychological Support And Assistance For War Refugees

The turmoil in Ukraine has spawned a system of online psychologists and psychiatrists, some of whom are reshaping regular digital care in reaction to the conflict, while others are providing emotional first aid to refugees or providing assistance to various therapists who have found themselves from the front lines of an unfolding mental health crisis. To assist local initiatives and ensure data is available in Ukraine and Russia, mental health specialists are cooperating with nonprofit groups such as UNICEF and research institutions. Experts warn that collaboration is critical to avoid volunteers obstructing disaster response operations, as has happened in the past. Psychologists play a critical role in assisting migrant families and children in settling into their new areas and navigating any issues they may encounter. Physical abuse, untreated health concerns, trauma, anxiety, social norms, prejudice, terror, and instability all require care for many migrants. Sadly, many immigrants who are already in desperate need of mental well-being assistance cannot obtain them owing to financial constraints or linguistic challenges. Our strategy for safety, global health, and literacy involve psychological health and mental welfare for refugees. People, communities, and groups face substantial psychological stress as a result of forced relocation caused by military confrontation, intolerance, or natural catastrophes. Not only can refugees face horrors before fleeing, but their living situations in host nations also add to their stress and misery. Previously established mental health issues, including melancholy, stress, bipolar disorder, and hallucinations, make it more difficult for refugees to manage asylum processes. For such individuals, the funds you provide here will be like a glimmer of hope. It might potentially save a person's life! You can provide hope to anyone who believes that this is their final day. All contributions will be utilized for the sufferers' care and aid, and we will also aim to assist families economically (depending on the amount raised). The funds will be used to provide prosthetics and extremities to combat victims. Let us stand united to assist the vulnerable, since this situation is awful, and our combined efforts will inspire the defenseless residents of Ukraine, allowing them to feel less lonely and isolated. With your aid, we'll be able to help as many individuals as possible. So please come out and give everything you can to show the people of Ukraine that the globe is not against them. Contribute whatever you can, even if it's a minuscule portion; every bit helps! Also, do not even hesitate to spread the word about our campaign! Recipient - BONITATEM, NGO Account no - LT813500010013262161 Bank - PAYSERA LT, UAB Bank code - 35000 SWIFT code - EVIULT2VXXX The goal - PSY SUPPORT   WHAT YOU GET The Bora Bora island is one of the most popular islands in The Islands of Tahiti. One of nine islands within the Society Islands, Bora Bora was formed over seven million years ago by a volcano. Like most of the islands of French Polynesia, Bora Bora is surrounded by a ring of coral reef, also known as an atoll. This south pacific island could easily be defined as the center of the romantic universe, where luxury, beach resorts, and spas dot the island with overwater bungalows, thatched-roof villas, and a fabled ambiance. Simply put, Bora Bora is one of the most beautiful islands in the world. Known for gorgeous luxury resorts and numerous adventurous activities, a Bora Bora vacation has something for everyone. Whether you like getting your adrenaline pumping or prefer a relaxing day at the beach, the Bora Bora things to do options are endless. The motu, or small island, is known for its Bora Bora’s white sand beaches lined with coconut trees. The clear, turquoise waters of the South Pacific Ocean and the surrounding coral reef, make for some memorable scuba diving with tropical-colored fish and giant manta rays gliding leisurely through animate the coral gardens. The tallest point on the island is the breathtaking Mount Otemanu at Bora Bora’s center, perfect for those looking to explore beyond the sandy beaches. It’s easy to understand why this tiny 12 square mile island is revered as one of the most intimate and idyllic vacation destinations.

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Psychological Support And Assistance For War Refugees

€0 of €250.000 raised

The turmoil in Ukraine has spawned a system of online psychologists and psychiatrists, some of whom are reshaping regular digital care in reaction to the conflict, while others are providing emotional first aid to refugees or providing assistance to various therapists who have found themselves from the front lines of an unfolding mental health crisis.
To assist local initiatives and ensure data is available in Ukraine and Russia, mental health specialists are cooperating with nonprofit groups such as UNICEF and research institutions. Experts warn that collaboration is critical to avoid volunteers obstructing disaster response operations, as has happened in the past.
Psychologists play a critical role in assisting migrant families and children in settling into their new areas and navigating any issues they may encounter. Physical abuse, untreated health concerns, trauma, anxiety, social norms, prejudice, terror, and instability all require care for many migrants.
Sadly, many immigrants who are already in desperate need of mental well-being assistance cannot obtain them owing to financial constraints or linguistic challenges.
Our strategy for safety, global health, and literacy involve psychological health and mental welfare for refugees. People, communities, and groups face substantial psychological stress as a result of forced relocation caused by military confrontation, intolerance, or natural catastrophes.
Not only can refugees face horrors before fleeing, but their living situations in host nations also add to their stress and misery. Previously established mental health issues, including melancholy, stress, bipolar disorder, and hallucinations, make it more difficult for refugees to manage asylum processes.
For such individuals, the funds you provide here will be like a glimmer of hope. It might potentially save a person’s life!
You can provide hope to anyone who believes that this is their final day. All contributions will be utilized for the sufferers’ care and aid, and we will also aim to assist families economically (depending on the amount raised).
The funds will be used to provide prosthetics and extremities to combat victims. Let us stand united to assist the vulnerable, since this situation is awful, and our combined efforts will inspire the defenseless residents of Ukraine, allowing them to feel less lonely and isolated.
With your aid, we’ll be able to help as many individuals as possible. So please come out and give everything you can to show the people of Ukraine that the globe is not against them.
Contribute whatever you can, even if it’s a minuscule portion; every bit helps! Also, do not even hesitate to spread the word about our campaign!

Recipient – BONITATEM, NGO

Account no – LT813500010013262161


Bank code – 35000


The goal – PSY SUPPORT



The Bora Bora island is one of the most popular islands in The Islands of Tahiti. One of nine islands within the Society Islands, Bora Bora was formed over seven million years ago by a volcano. Like most of the islands of French Polynesia, Bora Bora is surrounded by a ring of coral reef, also known as an atoll.

bora1 scaled

This south pacific island could easily be defined as the center of the romantic universe, where luxury, beach resorts, and spas dot the island with overwater bungalows, thatched-roof villas, and a fabled ambiance. Simply put, Bora Bora is one of the most beautiful islands in the world.

Donate and Win Dream Vacation in Bora Bora

Known for gorgeous luxury resorts and numerous adventurous activities, a Bora Bora vacation has something for everyone. Whether you like getting your adrenaline pumping or prefer a relaxing day at the beach, the Bora Bora things to do options are endless.

The motu, or small island, is known for its Bora Bora’s white sand beaches lined with coconut trees. The clear, turquoise waters of the South Pacific Ocean and the surrounding coral reef, make for some memorable scuba diving with tropical-colored fish and giant manta rays gliding leisurely through animate the coral gardens.

Donate and Win Dream Vacation in Bora BoraThe tallest point on the island is the breathtaking Mount Otemanu at Bora Bora’s center, perfect for those looking to explore beyond the sandy beaches. It’s easy to understand why this tiny 12 square mile island is revered as one of the most intimate and idyllic vacation destinations.

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Donation Total: €50,00

Vespa S Bonitatem
€5 of €200.000 raised

Help for Ukrainian women and children

The tragedy that’s going on in Ukraine is heartbreaking. There are not even sufficient words to explain the pain of Ukrainian people. Russia has invaded Ukraine and a war is going on between these two. Majority of people among them are children and women. Children are going through situations at a young age that they should not have gone through. It feels heavy to see the condition of women when their men are being killed in front of them and they are not able to do anything to protect their own brothers, fathers, and husbands. Men are being killed and families are ordered to leave their own houses and to fight for their country. Women of Ukraine are even giving birth in bunkers and they have only scary food on which they are trying to feed themselves and their children’s. Their houses are being hit, schools of children are being destroyed in which they have a lot of memories and some of them have left their houses. People of Ukraine have moved, some of them to the same country and some have even crossed borders to look for refugees. We can help Ukraine in this situation by giving different donations and charities like: • Medical Equipment (Sanitizer Products) • Gauge, Bandages • Bedding Products • Tents • Medicine • First Aid Kit • Thermal Clothes • Hot Water Bottles • Baby Essentials (Napkins, Soft Food) We can also help Ukraine through social media, by strikes and by spreading news about what's going on in that country. We should try to make people aware about that country's situation. Even if no one is going with us, why can't we go alone? We should post on different social media apps about the current situation to aware people and urge them for donations.We can stand and make a voice for a peaceful protest for that country and for the families that are facing all those situations.Your contribution will go toward catering to the requirements of women in Ukraine and those leaving the conflict in neighboring countries, particularly those who are enduring violence during a situation of distress. We are fighting to guarantee that no woman is left alone, particularly evicted women, victims of abuse,the sick and handicapped women. We struggle to protect females and children’s rights both to maintain peace, during this terrifying wartime. By contributing to us, you will be able to give continued security and assistance to women and children, as well as aid to families restore the sense of hope. Recipient - BONITATEM, NGO Account no - LT813500010013262161 Bank - PAYSERA LT, UAB Bank code - 35000 SWIFT code - EVIULT2VXXX The goal - HELP WOMAN and CHILDREN   WHAT YOU GET PRIMAVERA 50 A mini-revolution on two wheels brings total joy and freedom as you zip through city streets. The Vespa Primavera is fresh, nimble and lively. But that’s not all. It’s also bursting with color, with chrome finishes and rims in Grigio Dust grey framing a dazzling range of gorgeous hues, from the iconic white of Bianco Innocenza with its black seat to the on-trend Verde Relax green with light brown saddle. Be a part of a new revolution It was the Sixties and an era in which the world was changing when the Vespa Primavera burst onto the scene and revolutionised urban mobility with its charming "two wheels and a motor" combination. With fresh new lightweight lines and the addition of new technology, the Primavera remains as captivating and stylish as ever.

Donate Now

Help for Ukrainian women and children

€5 of €200.000 raised

The tragedy that’s going on in Ukraine is heartbreaking. There are not even sufficient words to explain the pain of Ukrainian people.

Russia has invaded Ukraine and a war is going on between these two.

Bonitatem Woman and childrens 2

Majority of people among them are children and women. Children are going through situations at a young age that they should not have gone through. It feels heavy to see the condition of women when their men are being killed in front of them and they are not able to do anything to protect their own brothers, fathers, and husbands.
Men are being killed and families are ordered to leave their own houses and to fight for their country. Women of Ukraine are even giving birth in bunkers and they have only scary food on which they are trying to feed themselves and their children’s.

Their houses are being hit, schools of children are being destroyed in which they have a lot of memories and some of them have left their houses. People of Ukraine have moved, some of them to the same country and some have even crossed borders to look for refugees.

Bonitatem Woman and childrens

We can help Ukraine in this situation by giving different donations and charities like:

• Medical Equipment (Sanitizer Products)
• Gauge, Bandages
• Bedding Products
• Tents
• Medicine
• First Aid Kit
• Thermal Clothes
• Hot Water Bottles
• Baby Essentials (Napkins, Soft Food)

We can also help Ukraine through social media, by strikes and by spreading news about what’s going on in that country. We should try to make people aware about that country’s situation.
Even if no one is going with us, why can’t we go alone? We should post on different social media apps about the current situation to aware people and urge them for donations.We can stand and make a voice for a peaceful protest for that country and for the families that are facing all those situations.Your contribution will go toward catering to the requirements of women in Ukraine and those leaving the conflict in neighboring countries, particularly those who are enduring violence during a situation of distress. We are fighting to guarantee that no woman is left alone, particularly evicted women, victims of abuse,the sick and handicapped women. We struggle to protect females and children’s rights both to maintain peace, during this terrifying wartime.
By contributing to us, you will be able to give continued security and assistance to women and children, as well as aid to families restore the sense of hope.

Bonitatem Woman and childrens 3

Recipient – BONITATEM, NGO

Account no – LT813500010013262161


Bank code – 35000





PRIMAVERA 50 A mini-revolution on two wheels brings total joy and freedom as you zip through city streets.

Donate and Get Vespa Primavera

The Vespa Primavera is fresh, nimble and lively. But that’s not all. It’s also bursting with color, with chrome finishes and rims in Grigio Dust grey framing a dazzling range of gorgeous hues, from the iconic white of Bianco Innocenza with its black seat to the on-trend Verde Relax green with light brown saddle.

Donate and Get Vespa Primavera

Be a part of a new revolution

It was the Sixties and an era in which the world was changing when the Vespa Primavera burst onto the scene and revolutionised urban mobility with its charming “two wheels and a motor” combination. With fresh new lightweight lines and the addition of new technology, the Primavera remains as captivating and stylish as ever.

Donate and Get Vespa Primavera

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Donation Total: €150,00